Teacher Program Evaluation 2045-2025 Name First Last School(Required) Arlington Elementary School Eden Park Elementary School Edgewood Highland Elementary School Edwards S. Rhodes Elementary School Glen Hills Elementary School Oak Lawn Elementary School Orchard Farms Elementary School SouthSide Elementary Charter School Stadium Elementary School Stone Hill Elementary School William R. Dutemple Elementary School Woodridge Elementary School Grade(Required) Kindergarten 1st 2nd 3rd 4th 5th How many years have you collaborated with ResilientKids?What did you hope your classroom/school would gain from this program?Did the program meet your goals? Why or why not?Did your students show any of the following? (Check all that apply.) Improved focus/ability to stay on task Improved self-regulation Increased empathy Increased self-awareness Increased social-awareness Lower reactivity Reduced stress/anxiety Other If other, please explain.ResilientKids Instructor(Required) Chrissy Diane Michelle Shannon How was your collaboration with your ResilientKids Instructor? Did they communicate with you about curriculum, schedule changes, newsletters, etc.Please comment on their teaching or interaction with the students.How knowledgeable were they on the curriculum/content/digital website?What would have made this collaboration better?How did your collaboration with ResilientKids integrate with your school's values?How did students respond to the program?How did the program support your students this year?How likely is it that you would recommend ResilientKids to a colleague? Please rate on a 1-5 scale. 1 being least likely and 5 being the highest recommendation. 1 2 3 4 5 What would you change about your collaboration with ResilientKids?Is there anything else you would like to add about the class and/or your experience with the organization?Do you have any stories or situations where YOU PERSONALLY used the skills you have learned from ResilientKids?Do you have any stories or situations where YOUR STUDENTS used the skills they have learned from ResilientKids?Inspiring Minds strives to be an antiracist organization committed to closing equity gaps. What feedback do you have for leadership about our antiracist practice to better support equity and inclusion in our organization?