9th -12th Grade CLASSROOOM 9-12 Student Program Evaluation 2023-2024 Name First Last Grade(Required) 10th School(Required) Paul Cuffee Upper School CFR Instructor(Required) Amber Awilda Nicole What is the main thing you learned from ResilientKids™ (Mindfulness)?(Required)This year I have:(Required) Practiced finding my anchor Practiced quieting my mind Used a glitter jar to settle Found a quiet place in my mind Used mindful breathing Used self-talk Shared these strategies with others Other If other, please explain.Has mindfulness helped you at school?(Required) Yes No When have you used mindfulness at school?(Required) During a test When I'm working When I feel nervous/worried When I feel stressed Other Why not?Has mindfulness helped you outside of school?(Required) Yes No When have you used mindfulness outside of school?(Required) When I feel stressed When I feel scared During sports During family times When I'm going to sleep When I'm doing homework Other How did mindfulness help you outside of school? or Why not?What is your favorite mindfulness strategy?What did you like about mindfulness class? or what would you change?Inspiring Minds strives to be an antiracist organization committed to closing equity gaps. What feedback do you have for leadership about our antiracist practice to better support equity and inclusion in our organization?(Required)