9th -12th Grade CLASSROOOM Ch. 3 Student Reflection (9-12) 2022 Name Grade* 10th School* Paul Cuffee Upper School Have you increased your ability to and comfort with practicing mindfulness and being present?* Yes No Please describe this.*What was missing or prevented you from being able to do this?*Do you know how to show respect for yourself and others? Yes No Which of the following practices has helped with this?* Heartfulness Breathing Journaling Perspective-Taking Other Please explain.What was missing or prevented you from being able to do this?*Do you feel your connections with peers and/or adults are stronger?* Yes No Do you have a better sense of community?* Yes No Have your communication skills improved?* Yes No Which lessons on gratitude helped you increase your feelings of being grateful for the little things in life?* The Book of Awesome The Book of Delights 100 Things That Make You Smile Gratitude Visualization Attitude of Gratitude Video Other Please explain.*Did you participate in the 30-Day Kindness Challenge?* Yes No What was it like to spread kindness?*Why not?*Will you try it on your own at a later time?* Yes No Have you noticed that you are able to consider another person's perspective — either a person or a situation?* Yes No Please share an example.*Please describe a time when it might have been helpful to do this.*Please use this box to share anything else you would like us to know.*