9th -12th Grade TEACHER 9-12 Teacher Reflection — Ch. 4 2023 Name First Last School* Paul Cuffee Upper Schhol Instructors* Amber Awilda Nicole Do students show improved tenacity?* Yes No How have you seen this demonstrated by your students? or what prevented this from happening?Do students recognize moments when they're making intentional choices?* Yes No How have you seen this demonstrated by your students? or what prevented this from happening?Do students return to previous activities that resonate with them?* Yes No If yes, which categories do they return to most frequently? Centering Breathing Moving Practicing Reading Exploring Other If other, please explain.Can students articulate ways to manage stress and emotions?* Yes No Describe a time when this happened. Or what prevented this from happening?Do students approach new information or situations with open-mindedness, care and compassion?* Yes No Which do they show most frequently? Curiosity Perspective-taking Self-awareness Empathy Self-trust Self-Knowledge Confidence Other If other, please explain.Have students increased their time on task?* Yes No How have you seen this demonstrated by your students? Or what prevented this from happening?Please use this box to provide any additional information you would like us to know.